carnet doesn't show same miles/kwh usage as vehicle display

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Jul 22, 2014
White Plains, NY
The trip display screen in car net should be helpful, but is very confusing and poorly designed for help in determining energy usage. The speedometer ddisplay in the car, controlled by buttons on the steering wheel or the menu on the entertainment screen, shows miles/kwh usage for 3 cases:
1. Since start (ignition on to ignition off)
2. Extended period (last 20 hours driven or last 1200 miles)
3. Since last charge

If you're showing 4.0 miles/kwh for example, you can figure fully charged range of 4.0 * 21.1 usable kwh fully charged, or 84 miles. Or you can estimate remaining kwh using the fuel gauge. This range calculation can then be compared to the displays range, which is based on prior driving history (+other factors?), not what the current environment is.

Car-net however, which should at a minimum be in harmony with what the car shows, introduces a new measure, kwh/100 miles which is an EPA designation, and not for the 3 above cases. It introduces a new definition: short term for each day or long term grouping days together. In addition, the detail popup for a trip reads miles/kwh, which I assume is a reversal typo as it's the same kwh/100 miles number.

I realize kwh/100 miles is the epa measure for comparing cars, but it's not what the car uses or how driver think about energy usage. If used, it should be in addition to what the car uses, and the same with the day usage in addition to the above 3 cases

Net: the car-net trip display is not in harmony with the vehicle display, both in info displayed and in calculated results
