Recent content by eeedub

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  1. E

    Multiple charging plugs won't lock.

    Hopefully you have things sorted by now, but the plug not locking is a fairly common problem, and seems to happen more with public chargers for whatever reason. I had this happen with a couple different chargers last week. On the charging port, above the connector there is a little pin that...
  2. E

    2016 VW eGolf SEL (purch date 2016-01-13) - Trunk Light OUT

    Wait, theres a trunk light? Seriously? Mine has never worked and I have been cursing VW every time I look for something in the trunk at night. I assumed it was some silly cost/ weight savings thing on the golf bc the "trunk" is so small and relatively open with the hatch up. Now I need to...
  3. E

    driving while the charger is plugged in?

    "software change" could be a checkbox in vcds, dont have a cable so cant say for sure extra weight is ~50 lbs for the gen or about the same as the extra crap most people have sitting in their trunk, not gonna cause a significant decrease in range Thanks for the info on CO ;) And let me...
  4. E

    driving while the charger is plugged in?

    Right so lets assume you use the generator in the original post which should run a level 1 charger. If drive 60mph, in the course of an hour driving you drive 60miles and offset 5 of those, thats about a 9% range savings/ increase. if you drive slower it gets better, if you have a destination...
  5. E

    Android, car-net stopped working after update

    So an update with not much of an update. Charging and climate functions work, but I need to force the app/ car to communicate by pressing the start charge or start climate buttons on the app, otherwise it doesn't show battery or current climate information (which is a bit annoying) The "update"...
  6. E

    driving while the charger is plugged in?

    Curious if you ever got this working? I agree its not the best idea, but I don't think its the most dangerous thing you will see out on the road. Thinking a hitch and rear basket/platform with a little gen to help squeak a bit of range out of the car would be really nice. I have had a lot of...
  7. E

    Android, car-net stopped working after update

    So it seems my "fix" above is only temporary. if I close the ap and re-open it it will lose all the battery and climate information and the "start charging" button needs to be pressed again to start communication again. Not good... Hopefully this is fixed soon.
  8. E

    Android, car-net stopped working after update

    So I usually avoid updating apps (at least until they have had some time to be debugged) but was forced to update last night because when I opened the app it said something like "this version is no longer able to communicate with your car" I updated, this morning I had to re-register my phone...
  9. E

    Range Extension Function active/installed (VCDS find)

    Guessing this is for an add or (or maybe hopefully factory in the future) range extender which is a gas or diesel engine that turns on when the battery drains to a certain level while driving. This allows you to charge while driving allowing and basically gives an unlimited range. Hopefully...
  10. E

    2015-6 e-Golf HVAC 72F fix Tech Tip 87-15-02

    So they are getting paid to make changes to your vehicle, does that mean YOU are paying them? In this case technically nothing is wrong or broken so I would consider this to be a customization. And in most cases (unless you are buying a high end car) dealerships will either charge for or not...
  11. E

    Standard Charging Woes

    Well, things were almost going well. The car just stopped charging at 80% (my mon-thurs profile) even though it was showing the friday departure time active... arggg. Guess its time to go to the dealer again.
  12. E

    Standard Charging Woes

    So quick update. I have turned down the 80% Min charge level and went back to regular scheduled charging. First few days were hit or miss, worked sometimes, other days no charging. Good news is that the "standard charge" button next to the charge port seems to work as it should. I have...
  13. E

    parking brake auto engages when driver door is opened

    Just wanted to respond to a couple things, seems like this is getting a bit off topic but I will keep it going that way... Foot on the clutch yes, on the brake, not typically unless I am on a hill and there is a risk the car will roll when the clutch is pushed in. I think if you watch most...
  14. E

    parking brake auto engages when driver door is opened

    Yeah, I guess better safe than sorry, but its just a bit annoying while rushing to get out of traffic coming down the street. For me it usually goes like this: "Oh crap car turned itself to standby, need to restart. Shoot forgot to press brake before start button, car is now off. Ok got car...
  15. E

    Safety Recall Code : 93B4

    Any chance you noticed this braking difference with a full or nearly full battery? According to the manual regenerative braking is reduced at near full battery condition (not good to try to push a lot of juice back into a mostly charged battery) so that might be the difference. I have not...